3-day PrePITstop foundation course
Delivered live on Zoom
08:50 – 16:00 for all three days

2.5-day PITstop advanced course
for HCPs who have already completed a foundation course
Our diabetes courses are designed to meet the needs of primary care healthcare professionals. We also have bespoke courses for non-registered practitioners in care homes and nurses supporting detainees in police custody. Use the links below to find out about each course. You can register onto a selection of our national courses, see what courses are running in your area, contact us to find out how to commission courses locally, or invite the team to co-ordinate and deliver bespoke diabetes programmes.

foundation course
This 3-day programme designed to upskill healthcare professionals to deliver essential, best practice diabetes care.
RCGP accredited

key message course
We have taken the key messages from the 3-day PrePITstop foundation course to create this popular 1-day programme.
RCGP accredited

This 2.5-day programme focuses on supporting people with Type 2 diabetes who require treatment intensification to an injectable therapy. Includes GLP-1 Agonist and insulin initiation care structured care pathways.
University accredited

1-day PITstop Support course for Community Nurse independent prescribers
The course aims to provide students with insight and resources (including interstitial sensors), enabling them to support an elderly, frail, housebound person with type 2 diabetes on a complex treatment regimen, including insulin.

General Practice
A 1-day programme for non-registered practitioners working in general practice, already involved or wanting to become involved in the provision of care for people at high risk of diabetes and type 2 diabetes.

Commissioning courses
in your area
Find out how you can commission courses
Latest Resources
A number of PITstop resources are available for general use

PITstop general rules
PITstop general rules for starting insulin, dose titration, insulin problem solving and insulin intensification

HbA1c chart
One of the practical resources from the PITstop student folder

Poster: how training and mentorship influences patient outcomes
Shakespeare Health Centre in Hillingdon decided to focus on diabetes service improvements and this poster maps out their journey and improved patient outcomes from 2015 to 2017