1-day HCA PITstop Diabetes foundation course for primary care

HCA PITstop 1-day diabetes course was developed for non-registered practitioners working in General practice, already involved or keen to become involved in the provision of care for people at high risk of diabetes and type 2 diabetes…

Outline of content

This 1-day diabetes course focuses on preparing non-registered practitioners to get involved in both the prediabetes and diabetes pathways. They will gain an understanding of the care pathways for people with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes, the screening tasks involved and key lifestyle messages to help support people achieve their individual goals.

Programme Summary

  • care pathways for high risk and type 2 diabetes, including the Diabetes Prevention Programme and structured education programmes for type 2 diabetes
  • screening tests associated with the annual reviews (including foot assessment and recording risk)
  • how to maintain the Practice ‘diabetes box’ containing blood glucose/ketone monitoring equipment and hypoglycaemia treatment
  • key lifestyle messages
  • exploring the scope of practice of HCAs in diabetes care and the competency assessment/mentorship requirements.

Registration options

  • Individual registration for live, online courses. Cost for individual registration is £174.00 (online course price). Go to our shop page to register or find out the course dates
  • Courses can be commissioned locally to you. The national team will travel to a venue of your choice and deliver the course. Registration will be open to invited healthcare professionals in the local vicinity. To commission a course a minimum of 12 students is required and a maximum 24

Course delivery

Courses are currently being delivered live, online. Duration 6.5 hours

1-day of face-to-face sessions. Duration 6.5 hours

Students have access to a paper workbook and interactive pdf workbook.

Suitable for

  • Non-registered practitioners including Healthcare Assistants and Assistant Practitioners
  • Nursing Associates
  • Are involved in delivering diabetes services or planning to become involved in delivering diabetes services in general practice
  • Are be prepared to find a mentor in their practice and work with them to achieve relevant-to-role HCA PITstop competencies




To commission a local course please contact us for an individual quote based on number of students and location.

Cost for individual registration is £174.00 (online course price).

A busy week for the PITstop team, running a mix of online and face-to-face courses, reaching a further 190 Healthcare professionals. #type2 #prediabetes #diabetes #Birmingham #bexley


Thank you to everyone who came to our annual PITstop, it’s time to refuel again conference yesterday in London.

#PITstop #diabetes #conference #etcvenues #prosperohouse #london


PITstop, it’s time to refuel 2024! Advanced diabetes CPD conference for past 2.5-day PITstop students. On 18th September 2024 at Prospero House, 241 Borough High St, London SE1 1GA. Find out more

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